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Dry Needling Pelvic Floor | level I
Dry Needling Pelvic Floor | level I
This course gives insight in using Dry Needling of the Pelvic Floor. The clinical implications and indications, as well as an evidence based medicine approach for Dry Needling are given to broaden your aspects of clinical reasoning, related to general pelvic problems and chronic pelvic pain specifically.
This course is given in an academic format. It requires pre-course reading (review of the anatomy of the relevant muscles) and understanding of the articles. Previous experience with Dry Needling is not a requirement in view of the solid structure of the course, but specialization in specific anatomy of the pelvis and pelvic floor dysfunctions are. This course is given in English.
For whom?
Physiotherapists who would like to know Dry Needling techniques for the Pelvic Floor and developments in that field including patient presentation. This course is also suitable for BIG registered obstetricians (verloskundigen).
- KwaliteitsRegister Fysiotherapie: 42 points register
- Registers: Vakinhoudelijk, Algemeen Fysiotherapie, Bekkenfysiotherapie.
After completing this course you will be registered in the Int. ODNS Dry Needling register Pelvic Floor.
Please contact us in case of pregnancy. As a precaution, you are not allowed to be a test subject for your fellow students.
This course is intensive and consists of three consecutive days. The training is given under the auspices of Optimal Dry Needling Solutions (ODNS) from South Africa.
The program includes the following items:
- Ethics and clean field needling.
- Neurophysiology of Superficial Dry Needling (SDN) & Deep Dry Needling (DDN).
- Use of SDN in a clinical setting.
- Practical: Gluteal and Periformi, Short Rotators of the hip, hamstring.
- Practical: Anterior and medial Thigh, Lumbar spine needling, Abdominal, Pelvic Floor.
- Case studies and clinical reasoning.
- Adverse effects of dry needling.
- Literature review of scar tissue needling.
Treatment of muscle groups:
Transverse perinei Supf
Deep obturator Internus
The course is completed by both a written exam and a practical exam.
Language: English
Level: Post-HBO certificate
Dry Needling courses for Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists
This course is taught with lectures, practical sessions, and clinical reasoning sessions.
Aansluitend zal er een getuigschrift van de gevolgde cursus worden uitgereikt.
Dates: 23-24-25 januari 2025
Course times: 09:00 – 17:00.
Location: de Berekuyl academy, Hierden.
Minimal attendees: 8
Maximum attendees:16
De kosten voor de cursus bedragen € 995,-
De bedragen zijn inclusief examengelden, koffie, thee, lunch en capita selecta.
Plaatsing geschiedt op volgorde van aanmelding via het inschrijfformulier en het overmaken van het factuurbedrag. Zodra wij alles ontvangen hebben, is je inschrijving definitief.
The costs for this course are € 995,-
Costs include materials, coffee, tea, soda and lunch.
Your registration will be complete after full payment is made.
In onze opleidingen staat de student centraal. Als kleinschalig familiair instituut geloven wij in persoonlijke aandacht. Onze docenten bouwen een persoonlijke band op met de studenten, en er zijn korte lijnen met de medewerkers van het behandelcentrum.
Onze bevlogen en enthousiaste docenten zijn deskundig, hebben ruime praktijkervaring, besteden graag persoonlijke aandacht aan hun studenten en hebben hart voor hun vak én voor kennisoverdracht. Hiermee waarborgen wij een academische en praktijk-gerelateerde visie op het vak.
Gahl Sela
Een impressie van de cursus
Vragen/ Advies
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